The Gospel

What is the gospel?
It is the announcement, bringing tremendous joy to all the world, of what God accomplished in Jesus Christ. His rescue mission, culminating in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah, was to rescue the powerless, redeem what is lost, restore what is broken, and reconcile all things by His power through His Spirit, according to his loving grace.  The gospel calls individuals believers into one body, forgiving their sins, indwelling with his Spirit, and offering hope of eternal life. The calling and goal of those in Christ is, through word and deed, to spread the vision of a united and reconciled kingdom full of Spirit-filled disciples showing their allegiance under the Lordship of Christ.
This is the gospel. And it’s the greatest thing in the world!

Finding Our One Thing:
The Definition of the Gospel

What is the gospel? Every religion teaches about man chasing after God. The gospel says that God came chasing after us. I am not the primary agent; God is the primary agent. I am the problem. God is the solution. The gospel highlights not my worthiness, but my unworthiness. The gospel highlights Christ’s worthiness, and then it talks about how in Christ, through His Spirit, by His power, the most amazing things begin to happen.

Retelling History:
The Depth of the Gospel

The gospel is not just a list of beliefs about something that happened 2,000 years ago. It’s the controlling narrative that makes sense of everything that’s ever happened, and everything that will happen. It is the constant flowing river underneath every commandment, every prophetic message, every story of conflict between good and evil, and every hope expressed to God by a people crying out for deliverance.

Counterfeit Gospels: distinguishing the Gospel

What is your “one thing”? The headline that defines your life. We can probably name some really bad, truly wrong headlines that seem to define life for many people. “Might makes right,” or “All that matters is who wins.” These are counterfeit gospels. But then there are good things. Maybe great things. Even essential things. But if they take top billing in what defines our identity and purpose in life, they are counterfeit gospels.


How do I know if I am explaining the depth of the gospel or adding to the gospel? The answer is found in discovering the content of the earliest preaching, the central themes that appear in gospel presentations.

embracing a new identity:
the demands of the Gospel

Where does the gospel lead? What does the gospel create? What develops as a result of the gospel? Can you imagine an advertisement to be “free from weight loss” where the before and after picture looked the same? In the New Testament, the gospel that frees, the gospel that saves, the gospel that redeems leads to freed, saved, redeemed people living free, saved, redeemed lives. It means recognizing not just what we were saved from, but also what we were saved for.

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