February 5, 2023
Series: The Gospel
Where does the gospel lead? What does the gospel create? What develops as a result of the gospel? Can you imagine an advertisement to be “free from weight loss” where the before and after picture looked the same? In the New Testament, the gospel that frees, the gospel that saves, the gospel that redeems leads to freed, saved, redeemed people living free, saved, redeemed lives. It means recognizing not just what we were saved from, but also what we were saved for.
January 29, 2023
Series: The Gospel In Every Story
Join us as we search for the gospel in Leviticus.
January 29, 2023
Parenting is hard but rewarding. It’s easy for a parent to feel inadequate; to wonder where to look for help and guidance. Praise God that we have some guidance, as we look to God as our parent. Both fathers and mothers can find what it means to be a parent from the face of God, and we will find traits that we usually see in our fathers and traits that we usually see in our mothers when we look at God. That is because mothers and fathers, working together, image God on the earth.
January 22, 2023
Series: The Gospel In Every Story
Join us as we search for the gospel in the book of Exodus.
January 22, 2023
Series: The Gospel
How do I know if I am explaining the depth of the gospel or adding to the gospel? The answer is found in discovering the content of the earliest preaching, the central themes that appear in gospel presentations.
What we would need is something that touches on all the central items the gospel seeks to proclaim, the things that would have been believed and received when the “word” was preached. We would want it to include the things that appear over and over again in the early speeches of Acts, that ground the teaching of the Apostles in the rest of the New Testament, and that encapsulates what “the word of His grace” was meant to include. And since baptism dramatically displays the gospel, it would need to include all the major truths being proclaimed in that moment as well.
January 15, 2023
Series: The Gospel In Every Story
We search for the gospel in the book of Genesis.
January 15, 2023
Series: The Gospel
What is your “one thing”? The headline that defines your life. We can probably name some really bad, truly wrong headlines that seem to define life for many people. “Might makes right,” or “All that matters is who wins.” These are counterfeit gospels. But then there are good things. Maybe great things. Even essential things. But if they take top billing in what defines our identity and purpose in life, they are counterfeit gospels.
January 8, 2023
Series: The Gospel In Every Story
Sunday Nights in 2023: Read the Bible with Gospel Lenses…one book at a time.
When God says he will bless the entire world through one man. When all cry out for deliverance from Egypt, or Assyria, or Babylon…and God comes to their rescue. When outsiders beg for mercy, and dare to touch the face of God, and they find overwhelming grace and acceptance.
The gospel was preached to Abraham. Every section of Scripture—Law, Prophets, Psalms, Gospels, Letters, and Apocalypse—tells of God’s relentless rescue mission, reconciling the world in and through the Messiah. -
January 8, 2023
Series: The Gospel
The gospel is not just a list of beliefs about something that happened 2,000 years ago. It’s the controlling narrative that makes sense of everything that’s ever happened, and everything that will happen. It is the constant flowing river underneath every commandment, every prophetic message, every story of conflict between good and evil, and every hope expressed to God by a people crying out for deliverance.